"Just lemme do whatever. Dunno how much I got left in me."

RP PRofile


Full Name: Magnus Fythe
Pronouns: They/He
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 54*
Race: Viera, Veena*
Hometown: Terncliff**
Residential Status: Refugee
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Hardly an Adventurer + Part-Time Bartender
*[unknown in character]
**[true hometown unknown in character]


Outward Disposition: Aloof, Impetuous, Straightforward, StubbornPersonality Traits: Self-Assured, Crude, Callous, Hedonistic, Loyal (to the point of self-sacrifice)


Hair: Black
Skin: Notably Pale
Eyes: Dark Grey
Height: 61″
Build: Slim, Toned
Distinguishing Features: Sensitive to light, keeping either or both of his eyes partially concealed


Life Anew: Their life having had structure working under Garlean forces, Magnus is looking for a place to settle down, or at least, somewhere they can get into trouble at. What kind of trouble they'll get into is a completely different story.Bad Habits: With there now being dead air in the conflict between Eorzea and Garlemald, Magnus is in need of work. While that could ultimately result in something honest, his background in reconnaissance makes it hard to translate that into civilian life.Literally Misguided: Magnus finds themselves lost. A Lot. It's kind of a problem they'd like to solve at someday, but that day certainly ain't today!

RP Timeline


Stolen away from their Vieran tribe to become a test subject for a Garlean experiment, Magnus Fythe was groomed to marry the disciplines of Garlean assassins of yore, and contemporary wandering minstrels, through the application of classified auracite. The auracite used however, purportedly contained memories related to a white-haired male, clad in a white robe from an undetermined time period.After decades of trials, Magnus would eventually taste freedom resulting from the chaos of the Garlean civil war, and with assistance from an Ishgardian co-conspirator from the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, found refuge in Ishgard for a period.Due to a scant resemblance to the Warrior of Light, Magnus was roped into assisting the Scions during The Final Days, and with the appearance of Pandæmonium in the Aetherial Sea.


As a young infant, Magnus Fythe was spirited away from their birth parents by a Garlean scientific team, for the purposes of experimenting with white auracite, and combining combat techniques from myriad disciplines.Growing up, Magnus had a strict, cold upbringing by whichever scientists were cycled in and out of the project. By the time Magnus was of age for to begin experimentation in full, they were taught the theory necessary to back any abilities that could potentially be imparted through auracite.The auracite used to experiment on Magnus, unbeknownst to the researchers, contained memories related to a young, white-haired man, clad in a long, white robe from days of yore.The goal of the experiment however, was to impart combat techniques of Reapers and Bards, and as such, Magnus was deemed a technical failure, as the abilities found in Reapers had not manifested in Magnus.


During the events of the Dragonsong War, the unit commanded by Regula van Hydrus, the VIth Imperial Legion, would be brought along for the events of The Warring Triad in Azys Lla.Tasked with keeping tabs on the Warrior of Light, Magnus Fythe would bear witness to the might of the Warrior of Light, but avoided contact, wary of what they might do to a Garlean soldier that might approach.Magnus' commanding officer, Regula van Hydrus eventually would encounter Zurvan, and ultimately perish. In the chaos, the VIth Imperial Legion would break formation, giving Magnus the opportunity to escape.


I myself go by either Gaz or Kye (dealer's pick!), use they/them pronouns, and am based in Alberta, Canada (MST, Mountain Standard Time)!My preferred format for RP is via Discord (Multi-Para), though I can also do in-game on request or if approached!I usually reply back to a DM pretty quick through socials (with Discord on request).Minors DNI.